Pricing structure is a major aspect to consider when selecting the right virtual dataroom. Find flat-rate plans that include unlimited users, durations of time and don’t charge overage fees. This is superior to traditional per-page pricing, which can result in overinflated invoices. SmartRoom’s comprehensive pricing policy will eliminate any unexpected costs and ensure that the platform stays within budget.
Look for smart features to make the due diligence process easier. This includes a clever content management system that allows users to compress large files for speedier upload speeds, as well as a smart search feature which allows users to find documents with ease. Smart data management also helps administrators set permissions and track document access. This is an important feature for investors trying to keep their sensitive information safe throughout the M&A process.
Another benefit of a smart VDR is the ability to store unneeded documents ready for future opportunities. This will save time during the due diligence process because all the documentation needed is uploaded and organised ahead of time. Additionally, it could reduce the chance of additional questions from investors by having answers readily available in a clear format.
In order to get the most out of your virtual data space, consider a service that not only a virtual data room but also full lifecycle management capabilities, including integrated project management. This lets you manage all your private equity-related activities on one platform. This means you save time managing different processes and more time closing deals.